Definition of peptic ulcer disease
- Ulceration of the oesophageal, gastric or duodenal mucosa
Definition of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)
- Gram-negative bacterium found in the stomach and associated with the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer
Epidemiology of peptic ulcer disease
- 1-2/1000 per year. Previously much more common in men, now roughly equal.
- Duodenal ulcers 4 x more common than gastric ulcers
Epidemiology of H.pylori
- Prevalence approximately 30% young adults
- Much higher in older people
Causes of peptic ulcer disease
- H. Pylori (approximately 80%)
- Risk factor for:
- Peptic ulcer disease
- Gastric cancer (six-fold increased risk)
- MALT lymphoma (which may regress if H.Pylori is treated)
- Drugs
- Curling’s ulcer (burns – sloughing of mucosa due to plasma loss)
- Cushing’s ulcer (raised intracranial pressure – changes to vagal tone)
- Zollinger-Ellison – gastrin-secreting tumour (gastrinoma)
- Responsible for 1/1000. Multiple ulcers.
- Treat with high-dose PPI (or curative resection)
Presentations of peptic ulcer disease
- Symptoms:
- Heartburn
- Dyspepsia (burping, distension, bloating) – either before or after meals
- Symptoms relieved by antacids
- Pain
- Epigastric
- Posterior in a posterior ulcer
- Sometimes epigastric tenderness
- Succussion splash if gastric emptying delayed
Differential diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease (see dyspepsia section)
- Oesophagitis/Gastritis
- Alcohol; NSAIDs; Stress
- Hiatus hernia
- Barrett’s oesophagus
Initial management of peptic ulcer disease and H. pylori infection
- Lifestyle advice
- Weight loss; smoking cessation; avoid precipitants; raise the head of the bed; don’t eat late at night
- Stop NSAIDs / bisphosphonates / steroids
- Use of antacids (eg. Gaviscon, Peptac) PRN.
- Treat H. pylori if positive or if endoscopic evidence of PUD
- Eradication therapy
- Amoxicillin 1g twice daily and Clarithromycin 500mg twice daily plus full-dose PPI for 7 days.
- If allergic to penicillin then substitute Clarithromycin 250mg and Metronidazole 400mg both twice daily.
- ALARMS symptoms present
- Age < 55
- High risk i.e. previous gastric surgery; FHx gastric malignancy
Further management of peptic ulcer disease
- If patients present with an acute upper GI bleed secondary to PUD then manage as per any other GI bleed (see upper GI bleed section)
- H.pylori testing:
- Allow a 2 week washout period after stopping the PPI before testing for H.Pylori
- Options:
- C13-Urea breath test is the best first line test
- Stool antigen test
- Both have sensitivity and specificity of approximately 95%
- Sens 95%, spec only 85%
- Cannot confirm eradication with it and persistent response
Complications of peptic ulcer disease and H. pylori
- Haemorrhage:
- Controlled endoscopically
- Adrenaline, diathermy, laser coagulation, heat probe.
- Bleeding ulcer base can be undersewn by surgeons
- Conservative approach (NBM, NG, IV antibiotics) can prevent surgery in up to 50%, if no generalised peritonitis present
- Laparoscopic repair of hole
- Balloon dilatation + PPIs
- If ineffective, drainage procedure (e.g. pyloroplasty)
- VacA and CagA strains of H pylori appear to be associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer
Prognosis of peptic ulcer disease
- Good, if underlying cause addressed.
- Approximately 2% recurrence rate
- Smoking, ETOH, NSAIDs increases recurrence rate (especially gastric ulcers)
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