Butte county environmental health pre application review

The Consolidated Debris Removal Program (Program) has two phases: removal of household hazardous waste and removal of other fire-related debris.

Phase I: Household Hazardous Waste Removal

In Phase I, local government, state and federal agencies have organized teams of experts from the California State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to inspect your property and remove any hazardous waste that may pose a threat to human health, animals, and the environment such as batteries, herbicide, pesticide, propane tanks, asbestos siding, and paints, and e-waste. Phase I is automatic and includes both residential and commercial properties destroyed by the fire.

Phase II: Debris Removal and Property Clean-up

Option 1: Government-sponsored Debris Removal Program

In Phase II, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and local officials coordinate with the State’s Debris Task Force and its Debris Management Teams (DMT) to conduct fire-related debris removal from your property if you have elected to participate in the program by completing and signing a Right-of-Entry (ROE) Form. To obtain this service the property owners must complete a Right-of-Entry form. Download the Right-of-Entry Form | (Español)

Phase II Status Map:

View the Phase II status map by clicking here.

Submit Right-of-Entry Forms

Please note, the Debris Removal ROE/FSO Center closed permanently on December 30, 2019. Debris Removal Right of Entry and Final Sign Off questions can be directed to Butte County Environmental Health at 530.552.3880.

Camp Fire Debris Removal Damage Claim Process Update

As a result of the State Debris Removal Incident Management Team’s demobilization from the Camp Fire after over a year of operations, new property damage claims regarding the debris removal program should now be directed to the Government Claims Program at the California Department of General Services. This program reviews and processes claims for money or damages against the State. Claims must be submitted in a timely manner, which is generally six months from the incident occurring for claims involving personal property. Questions about claims may still be directed to CalRecycle at damageclaims@calrecycle.ca.gov. More information on the Government Claims Program is available online, via email at gcinfo@dgs.ca.gov, or by phone at (800) 955-0045. The Government Claim form is available at the link below:

Option 2: Alternative Fire Debris Removal Program (Alternative Program)

Property owners who do not qualify for, or who chose not to participate in, the Government-sponsored Debris Removal Program, must hire properly licensed private contractors and consultants to remove fire debris and clean up their properties.

An Alternative Fire Debris Removal Application form must be submitted, and a Work Plan must be approved by the Butte County Environmental Health Division prior to the commencement of work. Private debris removal is done at the homeowner’s expense and must meet the standards outlined for the Alternative Program. This includes compliance with all legal requirements for disposal, best management practices for activities on site, proper transportation and documentation of waste, and erosion control.