Service Catalog Examples

In today’s highly connected environment, service delivery is of great importance.

It doesn’t matter whether you are delivering IT services to enterprise users or your own internal users, they all want smooth and timely delivery.

The expectation to quickly make a request and access services have become the default, and accordingly, organizations are adapting their service delivery strategies.

In the context of a IT service-desk, ITIL recommends handling of incident and service requests separately; the latter is closely associated with the use of a service catalog.

Why? A service catalog, as the name suggests, is a catalog of products and services, and while implementing, it integrates request fulfillment processes to make things easily available.

In a nutshell, a service catalog gives two fundamental benefits in handling service requests:

Apart from the above two, there are other benefits as well.

Here are the top 7:

7 Benefits of Using a Service Catalog

1. Promotes Self-Services

Services items in a catalog are very detailed, and users who want to avail them know what they have to do.

They even get the status of their application; this much of information means users require very little hand holding.

2. Centralized Management

A service catalog centralizes everything.

In Motadata ITSM, we have dedicated workflows, approval settings, SLAs and task rules for service items so technicians can manage all service requests using common settings.

For users, it’s a one-stop-shop for all their service requirements.

3. Business Process Design

Features related to process and automation in a service catalog make it possible for technicians to design a service delivery mechanism.

4. More Control

An admin gets to decide who gets what services, and the nature of the service is also defined.

5. Standardization of Services Delivery

A service catalog gives a clear picture to the user; what they can have and what to expect from each service item.

6. Cost Minimization

A service catalog brings in a lot of automation and processes that lead to faster request handling which frees up technicians to do things that add value to the business.

7. Maximize Benefits to the Business

A service catalog allows an organization to describe its services by their objective and helps in aligning IT with the overall business strategy.

Benefits of Using a Service Catalog

Service Catalog Views

Generally, a service catalog has two views:

10 IT Service Catalog Examples

These are some common service items that you would find in most of the service catalog out there:

Service Catalog Examples

Note: It’s a good practice to categorize your service items if your ITSM tool permits.

HR Services

Streamline Your Internal Service Delivery

Motadata ServiceOps is an ITIL compliant ITSM tool that uses AI/ML to optimize and streamline service delivery across the various business processes.

IT Asset Management Related Services

Non-IT Services


You must have guessed it by now that a service catalog is a versatile tool that can be used to design a service delivery process.

Another usefulness of a service catalog is that it segregates service requests from incident requests; this segregation opens up scope for standardization and automation.

Motadata ITSM provides an E-commerce like experience with its service catalog.

You get features like workflow, SLA, approval automation, Task automation, etc. Try our 30 days free trial.

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